Looking Back

In the past I’ve written about resolutions, but today I want to write in appreciation for the past.

Just this morning I closed the Streams in the Desert Devotional Bible I was reading for the last time this year with a sense of accomplishment. But I remember how so often in the past it was difficult to be faithful in Bible reading. The Lord himself has worked a change in me through laying it on my heart to ask him to give me greater love for his Word. The change he has worked in my heart amazes and humbles me as I look back, and this sense of accomplishment is tempered by the fact that every good thing is from above and due to his mercy on me.

This love for and growth in my knowledge of God, though, has not always come with a corresponding growth in obedience. A good illustration of this was shown in a book called “Conscience: What it is, How to Train it, and Loving Those Who Differ” which we are reading for a church book club showing that as the knowledge of God and his Word grows, there is a widening gap between that and our obedience.  I see more and more clearly how wonderful he is and how sinful I am but feel that the Holy Spirit has had quite the job in rooting out my stubborn rebelliousness. I have been blessed by the writing of Jerry Bridges on sanctification in books like “Respectable Sins,” and “The Discipline of Grace.” They have helped me to see myself more honestly and to understand how the Lord changes us through his grace that leads us to repentance and obedience.

I have been enjoying the song “All Glory Be to Christ” with new words put to “Auld Lang Syne.” The first line says, “Should nothing of our efforts stand, no legacy survive. Unless the Lord does raise the house in vain its builders strive.” This helps me remember that no accomplishment has happened because of my work, but his. My God is sovereign and I am only at peace when I seek his guidance and help in everything.

So I look back today with thanksgiving and praise! I have been blessed by a book a friend shared with me called “A Gospel Primer” that encourages us to remember daily all that God has done through Christ in the gospel. As I do look forward, I am praying for boldness in this coming year to continually approach the throne of grace, and for boldness in sharing who God is and all that he has done and will do!

All Glory Be to Christ!