Unless the Lord Builds the House

I awoke one morning a few weeks ago from a dream. Usually dreams tend to be a crazy mixture of people and events, but occasionally they seem to be more than that. Soon after having the dream, I read a book that had been on my list for quite some time called “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus,” by the late Nabeel Qureshi. In his book, he recounts his journey from Islam to faith in Christ, and though most of the book contains his struggle with the truth of the gospel, a small part involves dreams in which the Lord was confirming this truth. This was the case for me in this instance, as I somehow knew the meaning of what I was seeing.

In my dream I was out on a frozen lake in the winter. There was a child with me, though I don’t know who it was. I could see that there was a man shingling the roof of a house nearby. I suddenly found myself next to him on that roof, and I somehow knew that the shingle he was carefully nailing on represented me and that this house was the household of God. I couldn’t see his face, but knew the man was smiling as he worked, and I was overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness that I was part of what he was building, along with every other believer.

I believe that Scripture is completely sufficient and authoritative as our source of truth and direction, and that everything we may hear or experience must align with it. I don’t believe that we should be seeking signs and extra-biblical experiences in our walk with Christ. But God seems to be at work in exciting ways in people around the world who are in darkness and he has chosen to use his followers to go and make disciples. One of the main ways he worked in Qureshi’s life was through the friendship and witness of believers who spoke the truths of Scripture in a loving way over a long period of time.

May you find joy today in knowing that you are part of the household of faith, and that God can work through us as we serve him. Psalm 27:1 says: “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” Praise his holy name!