Looking Back

In the past I’ve written about resolutions, but today I want to write in appreciation for the past.

Just this morning I closed the Streams in the Desert Devotional Bible I was reading for the last time this year with a sense of accomplishment. But I remember how so often in the past it was difficult to be faithful in Bible reading. The Lord himself has worked a change in me through laying it on my heart to ask him to give me greater love for his Word. The change he has worked in my heart amazes and humbles me as I look back, and this sense of accomplishment is tempered by the fact that every good thing is from above and due to his mercy on me.

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How Will I Know

Luke tells us in chapter one of his gospel that when the angel appeared to the priest Zechariah in the temple telling him of the coming birth of a son in his old age, Zechariah questioned him about how he would know this was really going to happen. He seemed to want more of a sign than the appearance and words of an angel of the Lord. This angel then gave him a sign that was most likely not what he had hoped for, but because of his unbelief he was unable to speak and hear until John was born and given a name.

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The Crown of the Aged

Recently I became a grandma. This happened, interestingly enough, on National Grandparents Day. I am amazed at how I have looked forward to my grandchild’s birth, and how much I love her already. Being new at this, I decided I better look into what Scripture has to say about being a grandparent. Proverbs 17:6a says, “Grandchildren are the crown of the aged.” I am feeling more “aged” every day, but seeing my family grow does seem like a kind of reward and treasure. Continue reading “The Crown of the Aged”


Sitting here on the porch with the ceiling fan whirring, the birds chirping, and the intermittent sounds of sawing and nailing; I am reflecting on the past couple of months of renovation here at our home. It has been a long process of decision making, budgeting, working, and upheaval. We are just working on our kitchen/entry and feel overwhelmed, I don’t know how people build or remodel a whole house. Continue reading “Renovation”

The King of the Jews

The King of the Jews

On this last day of March, and in the time of waiting between Christ’s death and resurrection, I’m drawn to the allusions to Jesus as “The King of the Jews” during his trial, beating, and crucifixion. At the time, this title was used as an accusation by the Jewish leaders against him to make him seem to be a danger to the Roman government it was then used in mockery which culminated in this inscription being nailed above his head on the cross in three languages. In the midst of his mistreatment they even put a crown of thorns on his head and a purple robe on his shoulders. All this time the title “The King of the Jews” was used to cause harm to Jesus, but it was unknowingly describing exactly who Jesus was: The King.

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